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Toilet Training Your Kitten

Posted on March 30, 2017

Congratulations on your new kitten!!


Kitten Toilet Training


When you bring a new kitten home, one of the first things you need to consider is toilet training. Their mother plays a large role in the initial training as she cleans and grooms them. When they are about one month old, a kitten will start toileting on their own, following the example of their mother by digging in loose material, such as soil or litter. This is why most kittens are already toilet trained by the time they arrive at their new home. It is important to start on the right foot with your kitten. You will save yourself and your new pet a lot of anxiety when you prevent bad habits from developing.


Tips To Litter Train Your Kitty


Here are a few tips to help you in litter training your new kitty:


  • Choose the right litter tray – The first step is choosing the right litter box and the litter type that your kitten will use. You should try to use the same litter type that she used before she came to her new home. This way, you give her something that she is familiar and comfortable with.


You will find a variety of litter trays, including those that come with lids or covers. Initially, you may need to get one with short sides so that it is easier for your kitten to get into. Litter is also available in a variety of different types, including recycled papers, clay, clumping litters, etc. Some cats prefer a certain type of litter, so you may need to offer your kitty a couple of litter trays with different types of litter to determine which is best. This is also a good way to find out where the tray should be located as some cats are very sensitive about where they toilet.


  • Keep litter trays clean – As you know, cats are extremely fastidious, so you need to make sure to keep your litter tray clean at all times. Make sure that you use only pet-friendly detergents and also, keep an extra tray in your home at all times especially if you have more than one cat. If you are away from home for long periods, it is a good idea to have several trays as it ensures that your cat has another one to use when one gets soiled. Make sure that the trays are not placed next to each other. If there is more than one cat in your household, it is recommended that you use one more litter tray than the number of cats.


  • Litter tray training – Kittens usually go to the toilet right after eating, waking up and playing. At these times, you should supervise your kitty to ensure that she is using the tray correctly. If you cannot supervise to lower the chance of a mistake, she may need to be confined to a small area that contains the litter tray.


Toilet Training KittenAlways remember that it is only natural that your kitten will make the occasional toileting mistake. If she has an accident, avoid punishment as this can cause her to be afraid of going to the toilet and as a result, she may continue going in the wrong place. A better idea is to keep her away from these areas and give her easy access to a litter tray. Make sure that you use ammonia-free detergent to clean up your kitten’s mistakes; it will help in removing the scent of urine from the area. Lastly, you can also move some of her poop into her tray to encourage her to use it.


With a little forethought, you can make toilet training your kitten a relatively easy process for both you and your little ball of fur. Avoiding common mistakes will go a long way in making sure that your kitty always uses the litter tray.


If you are looking for a new kitten check out our huge list.


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