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Join a trusted community with over one million monthly visits
200,000+ Pets Rehomed
Pets Rehomed
Be a part of our mission to find every pet a loving home
More than 250,000 happy pet parents
More than 250,000
happy pet parents
Read stories and feedback from people who’ve found their forever friend here
Find your perfect, loving companion from our wide variety of dog breeds, each with unique personalities.
Explore independent and charming cats ready to bring joy, warmth, and companionship into your life.
Discover gentle, sociable rabbits perfect for families who want a friendly, adorable, and low-maintenance pet.
Brighten your home with colorful, singing birds that bring life, beauty, and music to your space.
Explore our exotic reptiles, perfect for pet lovers seeking a unique, fascinating, and engaging companion.
Create a tranquil space with our vibrant fish selection, bringing color and peace to any room.
Discover our horses, perfect for pet lovers seeking a unique, fascinating, and engaging companion.
Explore exotic companions, from small mammals to unique creatures, adding charm to your home.
Looking to rehome your pets? Create a listing now to begin receiving enquiries.
Be the very first to know when someone lists a pet you are looking for.
Register your interest in our pet services section!
Rescue Pets is Australia's leading platform for finding your new best friend! Whether you are looking to adopt or purchase, we have a wide variety of pets waiting for their forever homes.
We love all pets, from playful puppies and curious kittens to wise old dogs and cuddly cats. Whether they are furry, feathery, or scaly, we believe every pet deserves love and care.
All pets should be happy and live the best life they possibly can. While we do support ethical pet sales, our priority is always the well-being of pets, ensuring they find forever loving homes.
If there's a pet related service you need, we've got it.
If you are having problems training your dog our Dog Trainers can help!
Sometimes, we just don't have the time to walk our precious pets so why not contact one of our Dog Walkers
Is your Dog looking a little overgrown? We can put you in touch with a great groomer!
If you are going on a trip these Dog Kennels can keep your dog happy, safe and well fed until you return
Find a suitable Pet Day Care for your beloved pet.
Find a pet sitter who can keep your pet happy and safe.
How It Works
Discover how simple and seamless the pet adoption process can be.
List Your Pet
Effortlessly list your pet with detailed information to attract potential adopters quickly and easily.
Chat with the Adopter
Engage in meaningful conversations with interested adopters to find the perfect match for your pet.
Get Paid Securely
Complete the adoption transaction with peace of mind through secure and seamless payment processing.